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Konflikt 47

Konflikt '47 is a standalone game inspired by the hugely successful Bolt Action, designed by Clockwork Goblin Miniatures and produced by Warlord Games and Osprey Publishing. Adding to the core rules that many gamers are familiar with from Bolt Action, Konflikt '47 allows the addition of completely new types of units and models to existing 28mm Bolt Action armies and the creation of completely new forces set in the alternate future of 1947.

Rulebooks | Starter Sets | Box Sets: Artillery | Box sets: Infantry | Box sets: Vehicles | Blisters: Artillery | Blisters: Infantry

Box sets: Infantry
Soviet Ursus Infantry
Price:  £26.20
(RRP: £37.50)
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Store Collection:

Stock: 2

Black Friday

Box sets: Vehicles
King Tiger-X with Heavy Rail Gun
Price:  £33.10
(RRP: £39.00)
Shipping Locations:
Store Collection:

Stock: Ordered In
Blisters: Infantry
Soviet Heavy Infantry (Preview Pack)
Price:  £8.40
(RRP: £12.00)
Shipping Locations:
Store Collection:

Stock: 1

Black Friday