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Star Wars: Armada

In Star Wars: Armada, you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance. It's your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the course of battle and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy.

Galactic Republic Ships | Star Wars: Armada Core Set | Star Wars: Armada Accessories | Imperial Ships | Rebel Ships | Separatist Alliance | Scum & Villainy Ships

Star Wars: Armada Core Set
Star Wars Armada: Armada Dial Pack
Price:  £7.40
(RRP: £14.99)
Shipping Locations:
Store Collection:

Stock: 3

Summer Sale

Star Wars: Armada Accessories
Star Wars Armada: Dice Pack
Price:  £8.70
(RRP: £10.99)
Shipping Locations:
Store Collection:

Stock: 4

Summer Sale